Monday, April 19, 2010

Been a While

Ok, I know it has been a while, but now you will see a huge change in my garden. My last post was about ants in my earth box with tomatoes and I was trying artificial sugar. Well, it didn't work. I just ignored them and they seem to have gone away. Then I had a worm or caterpillar. I just pulled off whatever leaf they were chomping away and threw it away. Another problem adverted. I finally have tomatoes! I hope to have enough to can some homemade spaghetti sauce. A friend is adding to my tomato plants by giving me a few 5 gallon buckets with plants growing in them. I will share pictures of those soon.

My geraniums have had beautiful blosssoms and many have died but will be replaced as you can see.

Now, for the garden out back. Everything is growing well. I even have blossoms on my pea plants. Tonight I hope to put one more bag of dirt in my 3rd box and have the trellis finished. I planned to have it done yesterday, but it rained all day. In the pot in the photo above are cucumber plants. I hope to grow them up the trellis.
The exciting thing is I got some Florida raspberry plants and blueberry plants. More on that later.......

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ants in my tomato earthbox

Yesterday I noticed that there were ants all in the base of my tomato plant. There were not just a few, but an infestation. As you can see, they really stirred up the dirt. I don't know if I should leave them or not. I do know that I don't like ants. With a little research, I found a solution I want to try. I have sprinkled a little fake sugar around the base. Supposedly, the ants don't know it is fake sugar and eat it and die. We will see.

I know that I was to let you see my frame for the cukes and squash. Things have been a little harried around here so hopefully tomorrow it will be done. I will tell you this though, my lettuce, pole beans, corn and peas have all sprouted and are doing well.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Week 2

Well, it is now the second week of my garden project. I have watered the first box and we even had one great day of rain here in central Florida. The temps. are finally warming up. Today, I put the soil in my second box. I plan on pole beans, squash, cucumbers and chives. This evening my husband is going to build a frame so that I can train the squash and cucumbers up. As you can see from the photo above, my peas have sprouted!!! That was 1 week to the day. I will post more photos tomorrow so that you can see the frame we made. As for my tomato plants, they are full of flowers. My geraniums are beautiful too. I think I counted 17 blooms.
Anyhow, enjoy the photos. I will have more to share tomorrow

Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Earth Boxes

I know that not much has happened in just one day of my box, but I wanted to tell you about my earth boxes. I have two. One, I received as a Christmas present from my parents filled with geraniums. They then got me a second one for my birthday in January with tomato plants. Yesterday, I staked the tomato plants because it has been very windy here. They are full of blossoms. I am very excited about these.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Wish for this Blog

My wish for this blog is simple. I want to record what I learn in my trials of gardening. This is my second year in attempting to square foot garden. Today is a beautiful spring day (March 17) in central Florida and I have just completed my sowing of seeds in my first garden. Before this month is over I should have 3 boxes completed and planted. In today's box I planted peas, corn, rosmary and flowers. I should begin seeing shoots in about a week. From the photo, you can see that I used blocks to create my bed. Please ignore the weeds. I have to wait for someone with small hands to reach in and grab them. Wish me luck......